Saturday, February 7, 2009

11 days and counting.

another week goes by...and i ate pizza a grand total of 4 times. yes, yes i know. and i plan on eating it again tonight! mwahaha. fatty mcghee.

so, last night was bittersweet. it was the last night kate and i got to hang out on a weekend. she'll be in spain when i leave. it was good times at belushi's. we met lots of random people as usual. and by people i mean guys.

however, something was brought to my attention yet AGAIN. every time i talk to guys, they find a way to try to put me down. like not in some huge, ridiculous "YOU'RE UGLY" way. just subtly. last night it was one of my favorites: why are you making that face?

oh, i'm sorry. if you don't like my face, don't look at me. do they think that telling me i don't look like i'm having fun will get me to suddenly take of my shirt and start dancing on the table? finding randoms at the bar is not my top priority and when i'm out, i'm out to have fun with my friends.

i'm not one to fall for your trickery or give into peer pressure, jerk, so please apply your tactics elsewhere. and if you talked to me for about two minutes i think you would understand that i'm not THAT type of girl.

the thing is, i was having a good time. i was laughing it up with my friends, i was watching people, i was talking to people. i cannot smile 24/7. i think that may be physically impossible (hold on...looking on guinness world records website...brb).

guys that act like that may think i will be automatically and instantly inclined to prove to them just how much fun i can have. instead, i end up never wanting to talk to their judgmental butts again. just a few words of wisdom for any jerks that might read this.

oh yeah, and then after you're a jerk: don't text me. thanks.

one more thing. my brand new uggs that i just got for christmas, that are a month and half old, that are the loves of my life....have a HOLE in them. fail uggs. fail.

lies, one more thing. marisa has been really mean to me ever since she found out i was leaving. i guess she actually does like me, and might be just a little sad to see me go. i hope that someone continues with helping her learn to control her emotions. and this does not include ignoring her. that only works for some kids, and she is NOT one of them. i must say that i'm sad to leave the girls mostly because i worked so hard (hard part being consistent with discipline/rules) with marisa to get her to listen, not yell, be respectful, and have some self-control. all of which she had none of when i came. please god, help her. she's starting school this year and i want it to go well for her. maybe i should write theresa a letter about what works with her...


Soph! said...

nooooooooooooo! not the uggs! you love them! I'm going to need to see a pic of said hole. sheesh! I thought those things were in it for life!

and I think you should definitely write a letter to Theresa. You worked so hard on the brats and that shouldn't just go to waste.

Soph! said...

nooooooooooooo! not the uggs! you love them! I'm going to need to see a pic of said hole. sheesh! I thought those things were in it for life!

and I think you should definitely write a letter to Theresa. You worked so hard on the brats and that shouldn't just go to waste.

oh and boys *ughhh*

Soph! said...

hey i posted twice!

didn't mean to