Sunday, May 10, 2009

why did i do that?

every day i live with my parents i am reminded why i shouldn't live with my parents.

i need to get an apartment.

this will be an expensive venture. i had an apartment's worth of furniture, but i sold all of it and blew that money in amsterdam. good plan. those were my "screw future plans" days. now i'm in the future and i wish i hadn't done that.

so i am officially beginning my apartment search.


Soph! said...

I feel you and I've only been here a week! My apartment search begins in July and I hope to move out in August. First, I need to find a job, save, save, save, and try to get through the summer without having a big blow up on my mom.

good luck with the search!

K.Pete said...

I'm in my "screw future plans" phase right now. gotta love school loans!

Good luck with the search! It will be so worth it when you move out. :)

Jennifer said...

Good luck schmem! ...I have a bed