Sunday, May 10, 2009

why did i do that?

every day i live with my parents i am reminded why i shouldn't live with my parents.

i need to get an apartment.

this will be an expensive venture. i had an apartment's worth of furniture, but i sold all of it and blew that money in amsterdam. good plan. those were my "screw future plans" days. now i'm in the future and i wish i hadn't done that.

so i am officially beginning my apartment search.

Monday, May 4, 2009

one hundred

so i think my brother might have the swine flu. no joke. he went to the doctor this morning but they refused to test him. say what? there are already 19 suspected cases in el paso, and mexican kids go to his high school. and i mean mexican like they actually live in mexico and commute everyday. they live juarez, a place where there are confirmed cases. way to be a doctor!

in other news...i still have no social life. but i feel like it's just around the corner...of this never ending street. kind of like good ol' lomanstraat.

it's supposed to be 100 degrees in el paso on thursday. this is not cool. literally. god, i love air conditioning.

i went to lunch and shopping with my mom and sister today. it was nice to have a mini girl's day out.