Sunday, July 19, 2009

my own worst enemy

so it's been a while.

i needed to write tonight.

i don't know if it's because i've been feeling kind of down lately and i just reached my boiling point, or if it's because i feel like i have no one to talk to. oh wait...could it be both?

i've been fine for months now, but you know how it is when the smallest thing can just send you into a state of melancholy. well that happened to me last night, and small things keep reminding me of it and i'm just sinking deeper.

i went out with a friend and was having a good time (except for one major factor that i will elaborate on in a sec). at some point in time this guy stands next to me at the bar. i never talked to him, and he never looked at me. there was no interaction. but i noticed something about him. he was wearing a wedding band.

who cares, right?

it was at this moment that i realized just how alone in this world i am. if my life continues down the path it's on, i'll still be single at age...well, forever. i'm sure there could be worse things, okay, i know there could be, but i don't want that for myself.

it's scary to think i'll be alone forever. and not trusting anyone does not help my situation. i am literally my own worst enemy. and i have no clue how to fix that.

okay enough of onto the major factor.

so i'm out with my friend and his friend. we'll call them mister and umhellno.

so i went out mister and umhellno on tuesday night. we all had a great time. i'm a nice girl, and sometimes (most times) guys interpret my niceness as interest. um, wrong you are sir.

let's just say i have pretty high regard for myself, and high expectations of prospective suitors. i'm attractive, educated, i bring home the bacon, and i'm nice (and sometimes funny).

umhellno is sometimes funny (and not even as often as i am).

see the difference in the lists? no hotness, no education, no bacon, no nice.

so i noticed last night that umhellno kept touching me. on my leg, on the small of my back, just awkwardness. he also kept acting like i was there "with" him. um, hell no.

so let's combine the two: i was realizing how alone in the world i am, and then umhellno is trying to pick me up. worst combination EVER.

but wait, it gets better.

so we head over to mister's house to have a bite to eat, and then mister decides to pass out. THANKS. where does that leave me? riding home with umhellno who yet again asks me for my number, and tells me the story about how he hasn't had a girlfriend in five years.

this is the point where i have to turn into a biatch to get guys to leave me alone. i don't like doing it, but drastic measures are sometimes in order.

i just really need an episode or two of is she really going out with him to come on. that would really help.


Jennifer said...

I second your feeling. I literally just came back to my room after getting all depressed (after seeing pictures on facebook of that one guy and his gf) and telling my mom I was going to end up alone. She agreed to go try on wedding dresses with me because that's really the only fun part if you ask me. And then I wrote in my journal. So just know that you're not alone (do I have to sing the MJ song?). I feel exactly the same.

K.Pete said...

*HUGS!!* It may be difficult to believe - seeing as I have DATING and BOYS all over my blog and all up in my life - but I have felt that way and actually still do feel that way often.

I went for two years without any type of real relationship after my divorce (gasp - I know right??) - mostly by choice - and also because I was scared and ok ok ... also because I was sabotaging things. I picked the wrong guy and sometimes I feel that I won't get a second chance - ooorrrr to be perfectly honest sometimes I don't think I deserve a second chance at happily ever after because I really picked a meanie. People that dumb - well - people as dumb as I would have had to be to MARRY ... well - that's a story for another day ... but I can't forgive myself and I think I subconsciously punish myself for it in new relationships. I understand what it feels like to be your own worst enemy - heaven knows I am!!

So I play - and date - and hope - but when it comes down to it - I'm terrified and untrusting and because I already had my "shot" I feel like I WILL be alone forever and ever. That's kind of a sucky feeling.

I try and assuage myself by remembering that being alone IS better than being with the wrong person - but - well - telling yourself that you'd rather be alone than with umhellno probably doesn't really fix things either.

I wish I had the right words for you. Being a hot, attractive, funny, nice, successful chica means there won't be as many guys who can meet your standards - and that is SO not comforting - BUT surely there ARE guys out there who do meet your standards who are LOOKING for girls like you. :) Finding them is the tricky part - but I honestly believe if we live our lives the best that we can - living it to the fullest and taking opportunities when they are given - that we will find the path we need to be on - and that path will be happy. Sometimes it's a matter of taking chances. Sometimes it's a matter of evaluation - and sometimes it's the purchasing of a few self-help books or talking to a counselor (lol - I'm such a freak perfectionist that I LOVE self-help books - it's like fuel to my "What am I doing wrong and can do better?" fire.)

This comment is too long and it did a suck job at getting my point across. I'm sorry!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is ... Don't give up. :)

K.Pete said...

OMGOSH!!!! I just noticed the DATE on this post. WTF google reader?? Seriously - WTF?? GGGRRRRRR.

Ok so I'm officially sorry for leaving the longest comment like EVER and leaving it like 3 weeks TOO LATE!!!!

Things are probably better by now?? I hope?? Hope you update soon and that my google reader stops being such a swear word - gotta just LUV the australian internet - seriously! I missed some of my brother's family blog posts too - aw well. Have a great day!!