Tuesday, March 24, 2009


i finally have about five minutes to update my blog. yay!

so, work is going good. that was...until i had to work open to close on my day off. which i wouldn't mind if (1) i wasn't salaried and was getting paid extra for those hours and (2) there was a reason for me to be there (like the meeting i was supposed to have with the boss that never quite occurred). oh well...such is life.

i'd update you on my awesomely amazing life, but since all i do is work and sleep, i have NO LIFE. looks like i'll be able to save a lot of that hard earned dough. we got new coach purses in and i really want this certain one, but what's the use? it would probably just sit in my car for the next, well...forever.


i get this weekend off though, so things are temporarily looking up.
i get my first paycheck on thursday! SCORE.

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